15 Things All Badass, Fearless Alpha-Women Do Differently From Other Types Of Women

At one point or another, you've probably heard the well known quote by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich: "Well-behaved women seldom make history". This quote is more than just a fun inspirational found on the side of a coffee cup. It's a celebration of all the women who refused to be defined and put into a box. Women who refuse to bend to society's ideal of what's "appropriate". These strong, fearless women have an energy about them that lights up any room they walk into. They're creative, bold and make the world a much better place.
Here are a few of the 15 Things All Badass, Fearless Alpha-Women Do Differently From Other Types Of Women. For starters, they cultivate a life they actually enjoy living. They aren't afraid of trying new things, with or without someone at their side. They're not afraid to make their move and probably most importantly, they don't put themselves down. Badass alpha-women don't need a boyfriend but they're open to having a partner. Strong alpha-women are bold and fearless. They stand up for themselves and aren't afraid to call someone out when they feel disrespected. These strong women know how to set boundaries.
Whether or not you're and alpha-woman, this great article will help inspire you to find your inner Badass. Read more here: 15 Things All Badass, Fearless Alpha-Women Do Differently From Other Types Of Women.